Tania Roxborogh

Secondary English teacher Tania Roxborogh (Ngāti Porou) is a veteran educator and an award-winning writer of over thirty published works. She has a BA in Humanities from Massey University and a BA in Māori Studies from Otago University. Tania’s 30 year teaching career has included times as Head of English, drama teacher, actor, director, musician, English curriculum developer, short story judge, and writing mentor. Her most recent publications are Bastion Point: 507 Days on Takaparawha, which won the Esther Glen Award for Junior Fiction, and two secondary English text books. Her new children’s novel, Charlie Tangaroa and the Creature from the Sea, will be published by Huia Publishers late 2020.

Tania’s happy places are: her classroom, at home with her husband, enjoying pyjama days, and wherever she can snatch time to read – most often books recommended by her students.

Twitter: @banquotrilogy
Instagram: taniaroxborogh
Facebook: T K Roxborogh

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